Author Archives: merysmith

Ecommerce Web Development: Reasons behind Gradually Decreasing Ecommerce Sales

A crusty stop or decrement in online sales of your ecommerce website or online store could be a red signal for you, specifically when you don’t find any new orders within your inbox! It is quite frustrating and critical situation for any online store owner or merchant to deal with.

If you are facing such gradually decreased sales of your ecommerce business, then it’s time for you to thoroughly check your ecommerce website and try to identify the real problem or reasons behind this. Below I tried to highlight few of the most common reasons, which may cause poor ecommerce sales.

• Verify entire code of your site!

Ecommerce web development is not at all easy and may require developers to be more precise while coding any web store. Even a minor error in coding of your web could make it useless. This at the end leads into improper functioning of the site or order process and may reduce the overall ecommerce sales of your online store. So, just verify the entire code of your site.

• Verify for any viruses!

Installation of some malicious scripts within site could affect its security. Whenever Google identify that site is infected by some malicious virus, it won’t allow users to visit your store by posting message that your site could harm their computer. This will obviously stop users or buyers visiting your web store and may decrease the overall sales.

Opt for Google Webmaster Tools account and follow the instructions provide by Google to make your site secure from virus attacks. After removing the infection, Google will review your site once again and decide whether to put it back in search engine listings or not.

• Go through different services integrated within your site and verify their subscription or expiry!

Many store owners often include various integrated services for processing payments and orders within their ecommerce online stores.  Check for such services or tools and verify whether they are currently working properly or not. It is possible that you may have forgot to renew specific service which plays crucial role in processing payment or order, and this stops buyers to make payment or to place orders.

Once you identify the problem, make sure you resolve it at the same moment to boost up your sales.

• Have you recently made any changes or tried to redesign your ecommerce online store?

If you have made any changes or tried to redesign your ecommerce store, than this could also affect the sales figure. New design may enhance look ‘n’ feel of your ecommerce shopping cart, but improper method of redesigning could affect the link structure and conversion rate. Try to get help from experts or tools like Google Webmaster to identify such issues and correct them timely.

Ecommerce web development could be helpful if maintained and monitored regularly. So, always test your ecommerce store on regular intervals to identify issues or bugs within it, said by designers from

So, above we see some major reasons which may affect the sales of your ecommerce website or online store.

Gambling of Online World – “Google is Ace, Content is King and Keyword is Queen”

Google Is Ace

While playing cards, the Ace is the one with power to control or beat others. Similarly, Google is considered Ace among all search engines. Google works all over the globe and that too simultaneously.  On a daily basis Google scans millions of indexed web pages hosted from every corner of the globe and with the help of propagation Wi-Fi networks Google is able to access data from any corner of the world. Google has abounding database and Google has spread its algorithms in many servers across the world. Suppose if one breaks down then immediately another server will take over, hence we can rightly say “Google is everlasting”.

“Google is for-ever because internet is developing constantly and Google is indexing its vast development.” Google has proved that it is the most relevant search result provider. Google is Ace, this sentence has many factors like it has abounding database of web pages and web site or it has huge number of users or most SEO web masters are likely to work on Google and Google is only search engine that provide most traffic to websites than other search engines. There are many more reasons to name Google an Ace.

Content Is King

Second highest option in a Pack of card is” King”. In SEO we have a King and that is none other than the content. Yes, Content is King. As we know SEO is becoming very sophisticated and content is everything. Website is intended for human readers and it was a fact before search bots were made-up. Websites are created for humans and search bots are not humans, but your website content is vital for both human readers and bots. When end users visit your website they make up their mind whether to remain put or leave the site , all this after reading the contents. Content should be following the human reading standards.

Why we use search engine? To get the right information this chiefly comprises of content.  For content, there are no tools or quantity to determine but quality is the only aspect. Quality content means unique, fresh and relevant to your website and content should be rich in keywords, informatics and motivating. Content should change frequently or updated regularly with fresh updates. This will attract users to visit repeatedly.

Content is King on the internet, proper use of content will enhance repeat and relevant traffic to your website.

Keyword Is Queen

“We all know who controls the King”; users use words to search and those words are “keyword” in search engine terms. Selection of relevant keyword and right placement of those keywords on your website is important. Search engine optimization (SEO) is all about depending on keyword.  Keyword is only one element that visitors will use to seek your web site, products and services on the internet, so whenever you start to write content for your website you should select a keyword to use. Research keyword relevant to your niche industry is become easy due to online services on internet that provides highly searched keywords for particular items, services or business.

If you have relevant and highly searched keyword attached to your website, means, you have won half the battle. Use keyword density means 3 to 7% use of keyword in the comparison of total words on your article keyword prominent place are also quite important in content. These are the structure of placing keyword in content. You can Use keyword in title of web pages and keyword centric URL will also earn good traffic, ranking and popularity of your website.

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How to Solve Issue of Auto Formatting Android XML Files with Eclipse & Clean Up XML File?

Eclipse has been widely used by android app developers for developing variety of android apps due to some of its tremendous benefits like it is totally free, layouts/ Resources which helps to convert XML files into visual presentation of contents and lot more.

But, Eclipse often create problem for android developers in handling XML file formatting. Many time android app developers face problem in XML file formatting, in this whenever they try to open XML file using Layout/Resources tab, Eclipse generates the XML representation of what actually you are developing and swamp it into the file you are modifying. The XML file created by this is not at all formatted as it writes it in only few lines, which is not at all usable for developers.

Below is the best possible way out developers can choose from and get rid from it, make available here by

To do this, you don’t need to use any kind of 3rd party tools to cop up with this issue, as you can get help from Eclipse itself. Simply follow the below mentioned steps.

First, open Eclipse window and straightly go to the Preferences menu and choose XML. In XML go for XML files and choose editor within it. Here you need to make some changes, which are as follows:

• First select “split multiple attributes each on a new line” option and make appropriate changes as per your choice.

• Just save the changes you made by pressing OK button.

• Now use Control, Shift and F or choose Source -> format and that’s it!

That’s it! Now you can see the formatted XML file. Often developers require cleaning their XML file at the end of formatting and this could be accomplished using Cleanup XML feature of Eclipse.

Eclipse also empowers developers to Cleanup XML feature, which can help them to:

• Easily compress the empty element tags

• Also add any additional attributes or elements if required

• It also add any missing tags within XML file

• Easily format the code

• Transform line delimiters accordingly for variety of OS like Windows, UNIX or MAC.

Using Cleanup XML we can easily clean the XML files and makes it uniform at the end. So, above we see how android application developers can cop up with the issue of auto formatting of android XML files and how they can clean up their formatted XML files with the help of Cleanup XML feature of the Eclipse.

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451 Error Code: To Hide Censored Content

Till now, we are familiar with 404   Error code that return when the page is not found same way today, let’s we talk about 451 status code use to hide censored content.

Starting of this month Google developer name as Tim Bray has projected a new http error status code called 451 with the aim of hiding censored data. At present we are using 403 Error code when user request any web page and server don’t allow them to access particular page instead of this 403 websites would arrival 451 error code that clarify the web page is not available for authorized reasons.

The main benefit of this 451 error code is, it will explain in detail and tell user’s why they are unable to display information. The recommendation has been given by Google’s developer to IETF for using 451 error codes when the web page has been blocked by the government.

From the past few years the number of websites and web pages has been blocked due to Government obligatory reasons and the ratio is continuously increasing. With the legal point of views around the world and for future aspects Government takes decision for block web pages but to make it more effectual and to plays a full role of censorship, we need to explain the reason for not to access page and it could be fulfill with the help of 451 status error code.

The post has been written and share by the Florida web designers from who always believe in sharing latest technology stuff.

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Which are Key Elements of Effective Website?

Website development has become necessity for each business now a day to achieve their business goals or objectives, which they have been dreaming since long back. Developing a website is one kind of art that requires one to have requisite technical acumen with the out of box thinking and creativity, which could take web development to the next level.

But, what makes a perfect and effective website or which are key elements of the website that makes it worth spending money on it? Well, if you already have website or planning setting up your own in next coming days, then it is very crucial to clearly understand the key elements and characteristics which can help you make your investment worth it or missing of those key elements within website may fails to get success. Just remember, unappealing and not so well built website may harm your business more rather than boosting it up. So, let’s have a look at some of the key components require for website development explained here by Florida web designer from Spinx Inc.

Key elements, components of compelling website:

1 Great Representation, Appearance
2 Top notch contents
3 Functionality
4 Usability
5 Meaningful SEO

Now, let see each of them little bit deeply.

1 Great Representation, Appearance: It is very crucial for any website you develop or design to have strong visual appeal and professionalism. Always keep in mind that, your website will act as replica of your business and people or users will get good or bad impression of your business through your website.

Just keep in mind that an appealing website helps you boost up strong impression on users and make them come again and again on your website.

2 Fresh and unique contents: With strong visual appeal and presentation, one may need effective and meaningful information within website. Always keep in mind that people come to your website to find information or details they search for, so contents play key role to provide them ample experience.

3 Functionality: Make sure each and every module or part of your website work properly and speedily. Don’t make user’s experience miserable by offering them not so properly created components, which spoil your company impression. Just make sure that everything from head to toe, like- links, search box, contact forms, registration etc., works in-time and appropriately.

4 Usability: Many times it has been ignored, but it is very crucial element of the successful website. Just make sure website is elementary to read, navigate and simple to understand by novice users. Make it more simple and descriptive.

5 SEO: Make you website SEO compatible, by incorporating various SEO strategies and rules within website to make it highly visible in major search engines to boost up your business.

So, these lead me to end discussion on key elements of website that can make or spoil impact of your website.

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Research, Analysis and Evolution: Steps to Build a Website

With this increasing popularity of online business and web world it becomes obligatory for every business owner to have online presence of their business to stay long in competition, so the first step take by any business men is researching for the professional web firm that makes available services to build professional website. Once business man completes the selection of proficient web firm later than now its time for web professionals to create accurate plan and follow it because proper planning and step by step following is necessary approach to complete any task that allows you to easily reach at predefined goal.

Let us talk about three essential steps to build a website like research, analysis and evolution explained here by Spinx – Florida web design company. Every webmasters must have to follow these steps to get precise result at the end of project.

Before start building a website for any business webmaster have to research for that particular niche. Professional firms have business research team in their company who start researching and check whether the industry for what they are going to establish business website is providing any services or sell any products. What type of services or products they are offering. Check for the type whether it is NGO or government organization or private LTD. Company. Research the business market and check how many competitors are their.

After complete research now its time for apply second step in that business analyst plays their role by doing proper business analysis. Analyze the business requirements, Analyze completion and competitors, how are they offering services? Which strategies are they using to increase business? Bifurcate the business requirements and the actual requirements of project. Analyze and define necessary elements and information that has to be on business website.

After researching and analyzing now its time for evaluate what we research and what we analyze? Now the web designers and developers comes in action where designers are the persons who works for visual elements, looks and feel of website and developers are the persons who work for backend in which they concentrate on developing fully functional website.

Its time to make your website live and have a online business presence but still as you have a business you need to maintain it, after make it live check whether it is working properly or not, check all functions are working or not, and update it when needed. To get better business you must have to apply some internet marketing strategies.

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Consequence of Positive Mindset for Logo Designers

Logo of a company should be appropriate and to the point so that it meets the desired goals. A logo designer has to keep its imagination open to new ideas and concepts so that they exceed the limitations of designing. If a designer is orthodox in its approach than, he/she would not be able to do justice with his work and would ultimately be limited in their creativity. An open mind would also help a logo designer to communicate properly with their clients and understand their needs better.

Logo designers have the potential and opportunity to learn and embrace new designing ideas. Artists who keep an air of arrogance and pride dig their own grave. Such designers don’t have a longer career life as clients would perceive them as arrogant and unprofessional. No designer is a god, therefore best of designers can also commit mistakes at some point in their career, which they should acknowledge and do necessary changes where required. Every client wants that designer not only provides them affordable services but also excellent quality output. Designers in web design Atlanta company thinks that the logo designed by them should be meeting up with expectations of clients is important.

Designers should not jump to a conclusion when the client suggests anything. If you don’t like a particular idea, does not mean that it has no basis. Try to perceive the things from different perspective. Before rejecting any idea, conduct a detailed research about things and then plan the inferences. A company logo needs lots of homework to be done in advance and then give the final shape to it. So be open in your approach and thinking.

There are some egoistic designers who refuse to accept the fact that they can also go wrong at some places. According to them every design of them is remarkable, outstanding and therefore they should not get any criticism or negative feedback. Such designers are not professionals in their approach and take everything at personal level. Therefore it is recommended to be professional and non-egoistic in your approach when you go about designing logos for your clients.

If any disagreement persists between you and your client, than give them the chance to show up their dissatisfaction. If your client do not find the work quality up-to-the-mark they are bound to they irritated. Place yourself in your clients’ place then think about the situation. Maybe you are also going to be irritated if the services offered to you fail to meet your expectations and standard.

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Design That Can be Easy to Access – Importance of Accessible Web

Majority people from around the world use internet with different papooses, web is become essential that allow us to do different actions, for many of us web is become a way to earn money. So with the huge use of web it should be necessary that user can access it easily.

Different websites are available on internet for a range of businesses, organizations as well as many blogs are available that shares various information on different topics that are used by general public. Internet users have some specific intention and to fulfill it they surf the web. Designers and developers are the persons that are responsible to make website more accessible by building a different websites that are surf by users.

Let’s discuss how developers are involved to make Web more accessible?

Developers, who are responsible for backend part of website, they use different server side or client side web languages to develop a business website that function well. Functionality on website allow users to perform any task on website, because of developers only it is possible for users to buy products online, to make online payment, to use web services, to fill any type of form and submit, to store data on any online website, these are the things that are access by users on website so developers have to keep in mind that they need to make most functional website that work correctly and easy to access by users.

Let’s discuss how designers are involved to make Web more accessible?

Designers, who are responsible for frontend of website, here I am talking about website look and feel. Designers are bond to make a design user friendly. Use of appropriate color combination on website, create navigation that make easy for user to surf whole website, use selected images, create site logo that identify the business and many more things done by the designers on different websites. Designers have to maintain both things attractive look of website as well as user friendliness so that it can be easily access by users.

Here, we are designers from Spinx – website design Florida company describe about how designers and developers involve in the task of make web accessible but we are not forgot the writers who write articles and site contents for various verticals. It is accepted fact that 70% of people surf internet to get information so it is necessary that after access internet and by visit any website they could get proper information for what they are seeking so content is also helpful to makes the web more accessible.

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Design Interactively – Give Message with Image

Design of website should be interactive so that it becomes a great user interface for website visitors. Designers can design interactive design with the use of different web designing elements that should be wisely arranged.

Interactive design includes many points rather than create only a user friendly design; it should be representing in a way that lay down with user expectation. In interactive design all designing elements communicate gradually with users of website. Interactive design covers interactive architecture that determines its use, in that different designing element get interact with visitors helps them to perform their intended task and provide opportunity to business men to take the business at the height of success.

As, I mention above interaction plays major role but to manage both interactive design with striking look in that user’s of website feel that they are in 7th heaven designers need to use some visual designing elements because general public are getting influenced with visually and the use of eye-catchy images, proper colors on website, use of flash elements, slideshow etc…,help in making design more attractive, so designers need to make sure that they have to provide all different visual elements on website but the main thing to concern is designers should approach to make it interactive that communicate with users.

Here, in this image we found a message that say it’s a tea time, and now think for two minutes if we put only text message for users that say it’s tea time than it seems boring and user take it as a simple text line or message it will not put advance effect on user’s mind but the message in image with related visuality force users to read the message and obey it that get interest of tem.

Professional designer’s at Spinx, Atlanta website design company believes that web designing is all about make visitors feel that they are at right place, design that easy to communicate and satisfy users need as well as renowned as a winning online business.

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How User Experience Design Helpful?

Designers need to concentrate on how they represent the information? They have to think carefully and be sure that the all information makes available by them give positive intellect to users, and make them think, feel and do the right things on website.

Design a Website that Produce Familiarity: Whatever seen by people they just try to understand it as, it try to create some sense on user’s mind. While creating user experience design, designers try to distinguish mind of users, they just trying to know the common pattern of every user and than start designing a website that produce a great familiarity. The common aim of designers is to provide a great user interface that would be easy to use by users said by designers from web design Florida company, and for this reason designer trying to determine their targeted audience and their nature than after design a website that would be familiar with users.

Depict User’s Attention: Some of web designing elements make your design most unique than others that use to get attention by visitors. Design a uniquely and attractively always construct a new appealing web page with different web designs elements that always get attention by users. Eye-catching design is necessary step to draw user’s attention on website.

Inspire Users to perform Action: When users came on any website they have some predefine goals that they need to complete. Whether they are seeking to get any information or they have to buy any products or use services at this time users perform any task on website to get their intended thing or services and we can say that to complete their goals so designers need to design it in a way that allow users to easily perform task on website infect design of website should inspire visitors to perform task on website so the some users who don’t have any intended goals are also inspired with design and perform action that is beneficial for online business.

User experience design is the process to make users fill that they are on right place so it helps to increase business sells and leads, to get exact concept of user experience visit this link

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