Monthly Archives: July 2012

Gambling of Online World – “Google is Ace, Content is King and Keyword is Queen”

Google Is Ace

While playing cards, the Ace is the one with power to control or beat others. Similarly, Google is considered Ace among all search engines. Google works all over the globe and that too simultaneously.  On a daily basis Google scans millions of indexed web pages hosted from every corner of the globe and with the help of propagation Wi-Fi networks Google is able to access data from any corner of the world. Google has abounding database and Google has spread its algorithms in many servers across the world. Suppose if one breaks down then immediately another server will take over, hence we can rightly say “Google is everlasting”.

“Google is for-ever because internet is developing constantly and Google is indexing its vast development.” Google has proved that it is the most relevant search result provider. Google is Ace, this sentence has many factors like it has abounding database of web pages and web site or it has huge number of users or most SEO web masters are likely to work on Google and Google is only search engine that provide most traffic to websites than other search engines. There are many more reasons to name Google an Ace.

Content Is King

Second highest option in a Pack of card is” King”. In SEO we have a King and that is none other than the content. Yes, Content is King. As we know SEO is becoming very sophisticated and content is everything. Website is intended for human readers and it was a fact before search bots were made-up. Websites are created for humans and search bots are not humans, but your website content is vital for both human readers and bots. When end users visit your website they make up their mind whether to remain put or leave the site , all this after reading the contents. Content should be following the human reading standards.

Why we use search engine? To get the right information this chiefly comprises of content.  For content, there are no tools or quantity to determine but quality is the only aspect. Quality content means unique, fresh and relevant to your website and content should be rich in keywords, informatics and motivating. Content should change frequently or updated regularly with fresh updates. This will attract users to visit repeatedly.

Content is King on the internet, proper use of content will enhance repeat and relevant traffic to your website.

Keyword Is Queen

“We all know who controls the King”; users use words to search and those words are “keyword” in search engine terms. Selection of relevant keyword and right placement of those keywords on your website is important. Search engine optimization (SEO) is all about depending on keyword.  Keyword is only one element that visitors will use to seek your web site, products and services on the internet, so whenever you start to write content for your website you should select a keyword to use. Research keyword relevant to your niche industry is become easy due to online services on internet that provides highly searched keywords for particular items, services or business.

If you have relevant and highly searched keyword attached to your website, means, you have won half the battle. Use keyword density means 3 to 7% use of keyword in the comparison of total words on your article keyword prominent place are also quite important in content. These are the structure of placing keyword in content. You can Use keyword in title of web pages and keyword centric URL will also earn good traffic, ranking and popularity of your website.

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How to Solve Issue of Auto Formatting Android XML Files with Eclipse & Clean Up XML File?

Eclipse has been widely used by android app developers for developing variety of android apps due to some of its tremendous benefits like it is totally free, layouts/ Resources which helps to convert XML files into visual presentation of contents and lot more.

But, Eclipse often create problem for android developers in handling XML file formatting. Many time android app developers face problem in XML file formatting, in this whenever they try to open XML file using Layout/Resources tab, Eclipse generates the XML representation of what actually you are developing and swamp it into the file you are modifying. The XML file created by this is not at all formatted as it writes it in only few lines, which is not at all usable for developers.

Below is the best possible way out developers can choose from and get rid from it, make available here by

To do this, you don’t need to use any kind of 3rd party tools to cop up with this issue, as you can get help from Eclipse itself. Simply follow the below mentioned steps.

First, open Eclipse window and straightly go to the Preferences menu and choose XML. In XML go for XML files and choose editor within it. Here you need to make some changes, which are as follows:

• First select “split multiple attributes each on a new line” option and make appropriate changes as per your choice.

• Just save the changes you made by pressing OK button.

• Now use Control, Shift and F or choose Source -> format and that’s it!

That’s it! Now you can see the formatted XML file. Often developers require cleaning their XML file at the end of formatting and this could be accomplished using Cleanup XML feature of Eclipse.

Eclipse also empowers developers to Cleanup XML feature, which can help them to:

• Easily compress the empty element tags

• Also add any additional attributes or elements if required

• It also add any missing tags within XML file

• Easily format the code

• Transform line delimiters accordingly for variety of OS like Windows, UNIX or MAC.

Using Cleanup XML we can easily clean the XML files and makes it uniform at the end. So, above we see how android application developers can cop up with the issue of auto formatting of android XML files and how they can clean up their formatted XML files with the help of Cleanup XML feature of the Eclipse.

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